Following are some questions commonly asked about my Coaching and Integrative Alexander Technique. I’ll add to and refine this list as new questions arise, or my thinking on a topic changes. Please write me if you have a question you would like answered! 

  • You can read my current COVID policies here. Basically, I stay on the cautious side of current recommendations. If you have any questions or requests, please reach out by email.

  • Comfortable clothing is always great, but learning and using the Alexander Technique does not require any specific clothing. Wear what you like, or what is appropriate to the activity you are interested in exploring. If you have to wear a special costume or use special equipment,  or play an instrument, feel free to bring that along. 

  • The Alexander Technique was developed by F.M. Alexander (1869 - 1955) in the decades straddling the turn of the 20th century. He was an actor, and he had been frequently losing his voice while performing. His discovery -- that the head-spine relationship matters, and that he could choose to do something differently to improve his performance -- inspired the work which we now refer to as the Alexander Technique.  His work has been further developed at schools and in private practices all over the world. My teacher, Cathy Madden, was a student of Marjorie Barstow (1899- 1995), who was one of F.M. Alexander’s first group of teacher trainees. 

  • Not in and of itself, although it can help make any form of movement more effective, and possibly easier. 

    More of a "how" than a "what", AT is an integrating process, not a codified set of movements.

    The word “Technique” might easily be replaced by the word “process.” You can use the Alexander Technique while you are practicing other techniques.

  • No, though your coach or teacher may use their hands.  An Alexander Teacher is likely to use their hands to help you learn new paths of movement, but their intention is not to manipulate your muscle tissue. Depending on the school of training, you may be manually guided through pre-defined exercises. I teach in the Barstow tradition, which prioritizes the activities that you do over any predefined set of activities.

    Lessons can be held without the use of hands. Even through video-conferencing! 

  • It feels different all the time. Our senses register change, and sometimes change can feel pleasurable and sometimes it can feel unusual. 

  • Sure, if you think about posture as a celebration of the kinetic orchestra that is your always-moving body. The Alexander Technique champions freedom, movement and change. While there are ways to move that don’t take advantage of the body’s mechanical advantages, there is not one set place we want you to be. You can use the Alexander Technique in any position. 

  • In-person sessions (available in Seattle) give us the advantage of moving in the same space together, and may include the use of light touch, but this is not required. Touch is always optional.

    Online sessions give us the advantage of working in your environment, so we can look at things like your desk rig or kitchen sink.

    A combination of in-person and online is a terrific option.

What questions do you have?

Book a free 15-minute call to share your questions and hear how we can work together.